Which API do I choose?
Need help choosing the right API to get your job done? Use the grid below to help you.
Tile API
Access Nearmap Vertical and Panorama imagery as PNG or JPG tiles using Google Maps Tile Coordinates, also known as Slippy Tilenames. Use the Tile API for bulk downloading of large amounts of imagery
Betterview API
Betterview API is an insurance-specific API that allows access to a vast range of data including RSI (Roof Spotlight Index), Peril Vulnerability Scores, and third-party data to assist insurance companies accelerate claims decisions and mitigate risks during the underwriting process.
AI Feature API
Retrieve AI data for a small Area of Interest (AOI) from our vector map that exists for our AI content. Use the AI Feature API to extract a single building at a specific location to the AOI enclosed by a property, or even a small neighborhood
A GIS industry standard Web Mapping Service API which allows you to load high-resolution imagery into your off-the-shelf GIS and CAD applications on demand
AI Rollup API
Query the AI Feature API data to retrieve a summary of the query Area of Interest (AOI) polygon in CSV/JSON/GeoJSON formats. The Rollup API is suitable for users with limited geospatial experience. Use the AI Rollup API to retrieve "facts for an address"
Transactional Content API
Query the AI Feature API data to retrieve a summary of the query Area of Interest (AOI) polygon in CSV/JSON/GeoJSON formats. The Rollup API is suitable for users with limited geospatial experience. Use the AI Rollup API to retrieve "facts for an address"