Tile API

Access Nearmap's Vertical and Panorama imagery via a Tile API using Google Maps Tile Coordinates also known as Slippy Tilenames.

Use the Tile API to retrieve:


Nearmap provides access to its Vertical and Panorama Imagery via a Tile API using Google Maps Tile Coordinates, also known as Slippy Tilenames. They map into a pyramid of 256x256-pixel map tiles at multiple zoom levels. An application typically downloads a collection of adjacent tiles to cover a given region

Only the Web Mercator projection is supported, as per the de-facto web mapping standard (EPSG:3857; also known as EPSG:3785 and EPSG:900913). Nearmap’s Web Map Service (WMS 2.0) is recommended for other projections.

There are two ways you can use this API to retrieve tiles:

  • Retrieve tiles for a specified location
  • Retrieve tiles of a specified survey for a specified location

You can use the Coverage API in conjunction with the Tile API to retrieve coverage (surveys):

  • Retrieve Coverage for a Given Polygon
  • Retrieve Coverage for a Given Point
  • Retrieve Coverage for a Given Tile Coordinate

NOTE: Nearmap's Tile API has a rate limit, meaning that there is a restriction on the number of requests that can be made against an endpoint.

Should I be using this API?

This API is feature rich and will allow you to do a lot with Nearmap content. Use this API if you want:

  • Control over tile upscaling
  • The ability to:
    • Hide low resolution satellite background imagery
    • Request JPG or PNG tiles
    • Request relative dates (for example, show imagery that is at least one year old)
  • Richer metadata
  • Explicit survey tile requests