Coverage API
Use Nearmap Coverage API to get a list of surveys by date for a location, which you can then use with Nearmap's Tile API.
Which Coverage API call is right for me?
We have multiple ways to query Nearmap coverage information. This section explains which API is most appropriate for which use cases.
You first need to establish whether you need the coverage polygons or just the metadata (for example, resolution and capture date).
API | Use Cases | Input | Output |
/coverage/v2/poly/ | Use this API for querying dates and other attributes for a small geographic area. For example, in interactive web applications. | Area of Interest as a polygon | Metadata for survey resources that the user can access via the API, taking into account area and content types. |
/coverage/v2/point/ | Use this API for querying dates and other attributes for a point. For example, checking if there is Nearmap coverage at a geocoded address. | Area of Interest as a point | Metadata for survey resources that the user can access via the API, taking into account area and content types. |
/coverage/v2/coord/ | Use this API for querying dates and other attributes for a Google x/y/z tile coordinate. Provided for legacy compatibility reasons. Equivalent to the /poly request with the extent of the particular tile. | Area of Interest as a Web Mercator tile | Metadata for survey resources that the user can access via the API, taking into account area and content types. |
/coverage/v2/surveyresources/boundaries.geojson | Use this API for downloading coverage polygons to cross reference against your own spatial database. For example, to check which of your assets are contained within a particular survey. | Area of Interest as a polygon | Metadata and the survey polygons that the user can access via the API, taking into account area and content types. |
/coverage/v2/aggregate/boundaries.geojson | Use this API for visualization of aggregated Nearmap coverage. For example, to create an interactive map that shows where there is Nearmap coverage. | No way to specify the area | Aggregated coverage polygons per content type (Vertical, Oblique, 3D), regardless of the user access level. |
/coverage/v2/point/{x},{y}/timestamp.json | Use this API for querying the photo timestamps at a point in a survey. | Date range using the since and until parameters | Metadata related to the photo timestamps for a tile |
Updated 8 months ago