Filter Surveys

Filtering surveys

By adding a filter, you can restrict the surveys which are considered for rendering. You can filter by date or by tag or by a combination of both, for a more powerful restriction.

Filter by date

Use the Since and Until parameters to restrict surveys by a date range.

Filter by tag

Use the Include and Exclude parameters to filter on tags. Tags are additional metadata attributes available for a small number of surveys that were flown after select events.

While each tag must have a type and a name, you can filter on any or both type and name. For example, post catastrophe captures are tagged with type “disaster” with the name corresponding to the nature of the event, e.g. “hurricane”, “tornado”, etc. Example tags:

  • disaster:hurricane
  • disaster:tornado
  • disaster:misc (Property damage for other reasons)

The include and exclude parameters only filter on tags, not on any other metadata.

For example: /tiles/v3/Vert/10/940/613.img?include=disaster&exclude=disaster:fire

Only includes surveys that have a disaster type with at least one disaster name, but exclude surveys with a disaster name fire.