Coverage Metadata Fields

The retrieved coverage is returned as surveys in a JSON format, from most recent to least recent. The surveys JSON includes the following fields:

  • captureDate - the survey date in the location of the survey (see Survey Date and Photo Time)
  • firstPhotoTime - the date and time in UTC of the first photo taken in the survey
  • id - the survey ID
  • lastPhotoTime - the date and time in UTC of the last photo taken in the survey
  • location - the location of the survey, includes country, region, and state. The region is usually a city or a locale, comprised of a number of surveys.
  • onlineTime - the time in UTC the survey became available online
  • pixelSize - the Ground Sample Distance in meters
  • resources - the resources available for the survey, which are the tiles. The tile set uses the [Google Maps Tile Coordinates].
    • tiles
      • id - the ID of the tile set
      • scale - the maximum zoom level for the tile set
      • type - the resource type of the tiles. The available values are:
        • Vert - for vertical imagery
        • North - for North panorama imagery
        • South - for South panorama imagery
        • East - for East panorama imagery
        • West - for West panorama imagery
  • timezone - the universal timezone abbreviation of the location of the survey
  • utcOffset - the difference in seconds between UTC and the local timezone
  • limit - the limit of the total number of surveys returned, as specified in the request
  • offset - the offset of the first survey to be displayed, as specified in the request
  • total - the total number of surveys available for this request